Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Transformation by spin

I've been losing weight on and off for years. I've restricted my calories, I've taken prescription pills, I've taken walks, I have done Boot Camp, i've tried to pure barre, i've done yoga... And the list goes on and on. 
Now, the thing about being in an unhealthy mindset is the fact that getting healthy is very hard. Workouts for me have never been enjoyable, even though I have done then because it is the right thing to do to take care of my body. But working out, no matter how you do it, especially when you're overweight, tired, and unhealthy, is HARD. 

But recently, I have found my HAPPY-HARD. That one workout that completely changes your life. A work out that fits your style, personality, schedule, and ability--
The kind of work out that is hard and pushes you to your limits. 

The kind of workout that leaves your entire body, head to toe, soaking wet from sweat.

The kind of workout that is hard, but that makes you strive for more.

The kind of workout that leaves you in tears (of joy) because you pushed so hard- harder than you thought you could.

The kind of workout that encourages you, through seeing results, to keep coming back.

For me, that workout is SPIN. 

I took my very first spin class last month, and immediately fell in love. It is challenging, fun, invigorating, sweaty, and everything that a workout should be.

I don't dread going.
I don't try to get out of it by making up excuses or by saying oh well I can just go tomorrow…
I don't even mind going alone.

And when it's over, I feel like a completely new, different, strong, and incredible person that is truly changing my body! 

So, speaking of that change, I figured I would show you my pre-spin body compared to my current body. 

 So here it is…

I still have a lot of work to do. I still have cellulite, and a large percentage of fat on my body...

The point is that I can see changes. Visible ones. My stomach and my thighs and my arms and my chest (wimp wompppp) are all shrinking. 

I feel strong. My legs feel strong. My arms feel strong.
Let me say that again... 
I feel strong.
And dedicated. 

It's about FREAKING TIME! 😜 

And for me, the thing about feeling strong and challenged, makes this a workout that I enjoy so much. One that I can actually stick with it...
And hopefully... 
DEFINITELY, I will keep those changes coming.


Ps. If you're in/near Tulsa and ever want to join me, let me know! Your first class is FREE! 

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