Sunday, March 3, 2013

My SUPPORTIVE boyfriend!

I think it is so incredible when you have support for anything that you do, specifically when you are on a weight loss journey and can monitor other peoples success/failures/stories from their blogs. I wanted to blog about my weight loss journey, my inspiration, and the people that personally support me, my goals, and my dreams.
Don’t freak out now, this is not a senseless post about mi amor and “our happy perfect incredible life” together.
I mean, it is some of that…. but thats not all that it’s about.
I do have an actual reason for creating this post!
Soooo… read on!
I wanted to start out with my awesome boyfriend, Hunter. We’ve been together over 2 years now. He’s an incredible guy (motivated, insane smart, funny, tall, hard-working, geeky/nerdy, handsome…well, you get the picture, enough mushy gushy!) and I am incredibly happy/lucky to have him as my partner!

Hunter has seen me at one of the fattest points in my life (194! BOOM!) If you’re wondering….no, he didn’t take it upon himself to say anything to me about being fat. Ever. I am on this journey because I needed and wanted to be, and I needed his honesty and support. He is not the reason that I am on this journey, but yes, it does feel good to see his reaction the changes I am making…hello motivation! I’m down to 149/150lbs…and yes. I promise…. as far as I can tell/guess, he definitely notices!

Hunter doesnt do much for me for “noticing” and for “support” in the general sense that many people appreciate (i.e. lots of compliments, fake enthusiasm, noticing every pound/detail, giving me accomplishment gifts, etc.) Hunter motivates me by, after I say “I feel skinny today” he says “you aaare skinny!,” by staring at disbelief when I make him watch me try on my SIZE 29″ jeans (he couldnt really tell since all my clothes are still my “fat clothes” and this was his first real EYE OPENER to my body’s changes), by being there for me when I freak out because I have nothing to wear, by saying “stop self-deprocating” when I feel “gross” and have a mini-breakdown (haha!), or when I feel like i’m actually making progrss and saying that I can’t wait to be SKINNY and SEXY — and he comes back with ”Heck yea, you will be — look how much progrss you’ve already made!” I appreciate his support. Its honest and real. He supports me by making me support myself, without all of the blah-de-blah that everyone else does/says (i.e. “ohhh myyyy look how greeeeat you looook” and “wow, watch it, dont wanna get toooo skinny..” I like his type of support.

The other night, Hunter and I went to an event together. It was my work’s annual findraiser, the GALA. The GALA is a huge “adult prom” where hundreds of people from many different companies and organizations from the community pay to attend, drink, bid on silent-auction items, eat a delicious meal, and bid on incredible live auction items. It is quite an experience! Don’t we look FABULOUS!?
When Hunter and I arrived, we got a drink (His choice: margarita/My choice: cranberry malibu) and headed to take a look at the hundreds of silent auction items. I bid on a few cheaper items like a haircut package and a few smaller amount gift cards, and stumbled upon a personal training package - a complete evaluation and three private 1-on-one training sessions in private suites with a certified personal trainer here in the city. Only one bid had been made, for $10, so I only bid $25 —– hoping everyone in the room would notice me signing it and skip bidding on it (maybe they would know how bad I wanted/needed it) Ha! yeah right!

We finished looking around and headed to the dining room. Dinner started with a delicious salad, and the main course (steak, chicken, couscous with dried fruit, and asparagus) was to die for! Mid meal the announcer stated that the silent auction tables were closing in a few minutes – and for everone to make their final bids. I didn’t feel like spending a lot of money and figured that if I won, I won, and if I didnt, oh well! Hunter got up with a friend also sitting at our table to check out if he (his friend) had won one of the 10+ items that he bid on. Of course, I asked him to check out my bids and see if I had been outbid or if I had won anything – he agreed.

Hunter came back about 10 minutes later and sat down. Dessert was being served – YUM! I asked him how it went, and asked about my bids! Hunter looked at me and said it went well–but unfortunately someone outbid you. I was somewhat disappointed, but I was immediately relieved to kepe my $25 bid. Moment later, Hunter looked at me and said “hey babe.. I won something! I got you something!” Suprised, I was like “oh yea? really?!” and reached out my hands to receive whatever it was that he pulled out of his suit pocket. It was a folded yellow piece of paper – a copy of one of the bid sheets. …..Guess what it was?

I unfolded the paper and, i’m sure, my face/thought was like ….whaaaaaaat?

…..and then I realized what he had done! Thats right! Hunter had outbid me (and the person who bid after me), and ended up buying the personal training sessions for me! He got an AWESOME deal – personal training is NOT cheap!! I was thrilled, and super happy that he got this for me — he knew that I wanted it, that I needed it, and it was seriously an awesome gesture! Not to mention he supported a local non-profit (my work!) by purchasing an auction item! WAHOOOOOOOO!!
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is support!
…isn’t he the greatest?!
It’s little stuff like this that lets me know he loves and supports me!

So now, I just need to call the center, schedule my first fitness analysis & training, and get on the right track to getting a SLAMMIN BOD before summer comes! =)

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